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Capstone Conference – History
April 16, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join us for an enlightening event showcasing the culmination of our History students’ academic journeys! Our annual Capstone Conference features captivating presentations led by students, highlighting their profound research and intellectual achievements.
History Capstone Conference
Winter 2024
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Presentations in C103
Refreshments in C104
9:00 = Coffee and light snacks (C104)
9:10 = Welcome and Opening Remarks (C103)
9:15 – 10:45 = Panel 1: Cultural Changes at Key Moments in History (C103)
- 1. Jack Pavier, “Domination, Separation, or Cooperation?: The Roman Imperial Relationship to the Christian Church in the Reigns of Constantine and Theodosius.” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Baltutis]
- 2. Kobe Hall, “The Myths of Chivalry: An Examination of its Evolution pre/post-Crusades” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Hill]
- 3. Daniel Fedderson, “Johannes Gutenberg: The Motives Behind the Printing Press” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Hill]
- 4. Grace Philibert, “The Scottish Witch Trials: A Study of Religion and Gender” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Hill]
10:45 – 11:00 = Break / light refreshments (C104)
11:00 – 12:30 = Panel 2: Warfare: On and Off the Battlefield (C103)
- 5. Thomas Wong, “Look Upon Our Miseries”: Noncombatant Experiences and Codes of Conduct in the British Civil Wars [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Salomons]
- 6. Riley Follensbee, “Why Prussia?: The Buildup to German Unification” (1800s) [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Baltutis]
- 7. Brandon Thomas, “Anglo-German Arms Race 1900-1914: A Triumph for Great Britain” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Baltutis]
- 8. Logan Pidkowa, “The Impact of the German Panzer IV in the Second World War” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Baltutis]
12:30 – 1:30 = Lunch (C104)
1:30 – 2:45 = Panel 3: How We Tell Our Stories: The Role of Art and Propaganda (C103)
- 9. Annastasia Nelson, “Violence in Early American Gangster Cinema: From Moral Reform to Figures of Menace and Glamour” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Knowles]
- 10. Danie De Ruigh, “Divine Dispensation” to “Total War”: Manufactured Victimhood and Nazi Propaganda, 1933–1945 [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Baltutis]
- 11. Tony Mathias, “Pocahontas and American Popular Culture” [Faculty supervisor: Dr. Knowles]