Research Ethics

Thinking about doing research at St. Mary’s University? The Research Ethics Board (REB) is here to support and promote research and ethical thinking as symbiotic and continuous processes. The StMU REB follows national guidance provided by the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS-2, 2014). You can find our own REB Policy further down this page. If you plan on submitting an application to the StMU REB please note that applications will ONLY be accepted on the 3rd Monday of every month (should StMU be closed on such a Monday the deadline will instead be that Tuesday). Applications received after 4 P.M. on the monthly deadline will not be considered until the next deadline. Furthermore, applications that are incomplete or unclear will be returned to the applicant without review. StMU will only accept digital applications. Applications must be emailed to Dr. Erin Shanahan, Chair of the REB, at In your email, you must attach your application as a SINGLE Word document (electronic signatures are accepted). You may attach up to two additional supporting documents (e.g., Appendices). Applications that do not follow these requirements may not be reviewed. Before making an application researchers should review the StMU policy and application carefully (see below). Any questions should be directed to Dr. Erin Shanahan.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications submitted to the REB in the summer months of June & July may not be responded to until August. Additionally, applications submitted during the month of December may not receive a response until January.


Due to the limited resources of the StMU REB this body will only review applications where the research is conducted by StMU researchers acting in their University capacity. This would exclude, for example, industry/privately sponsored research, wherein StMU researchers receive a salary from said industry/private enterprises. This differs from research supported by project funding agencies that provide university-based researchers with grants that enable them to conduct research.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications submitted to the REB in the summer months of June & July may not be responded to until August. Additionally, applications submitted during the month of December may not be responded to until January.

Researchers are responsible for knowing the policy. The policy must inform your application.

Other Resources

Student Guidance for Submitting Applications to the Research Ethics Board

Ethics Applications – Top 4 Most Common Mistakes

Unanticipated Issues Form

Proposed Amendments Form

Extension Form

End of Project Review Template

Annual Project Review Template

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