
Options We Can Support

We provide support and guidance to students, staff and faculty, which include individuals looking for information on how to support someone else.

Immediate Emergency Contacts:

  • Emergency services (911)
  • Calgary Police non-emergency services (403-266-1234)
  • Distress Centre 24-hour crisis line (call or text) 403-266-HELP (403-266-4357) or email
  • Campus Security line at 403-671-HELP (403-671-4357)

Interim Measures:

St. Mary’s University will take interim measures to mitigate and protect an individual from threats or potential threats. Measures will be as minimally restrictive as possible to meet the goal of safety and will be responsive to the needs of the individual(s) involved.

General Contact Form

To contact the Sexual & Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Awareness & Support Office, email, or use the form.