Do you use Google Scholar, PubMed, or Wikipedia?
Install LibKey Nomad to streamline full text access!
LibKey Nomad is a simple-to-use browser extension that allows you access to STMU’s full-text content quickly and reliably when you are searching on the open web.
Nomad will activate on scholarly websites like Google Scholar, PubMed, Wikipedia, and hundreds of publisher websites to quickly connect you to full text. Below is what it looks like on Wikipedia in the “References” section at the bottom of each entry.
Have you ever been frustrated by a paywall on a publisher website? Or irritated by the number of clicks to check for full text in PubMed? LibKey Nomad will instantly check for full text availability from the library and present you with the single best and fastest link to download the PDF, view the article, or request it from the library if it is not immediately available.
Install LibKey Nomad to streamline full text access on whichever device and browser you use.
Scroll down to select your browser. Once installed, you will need to choose St Mary’s University (Calgary) as your institution (notice no period after St in the name).
Please contact if you have any questions.