St. Mary’s University Library is involved is a number of partnerships and organizations that add to and extend the Library’s resources and services:
Southern Alberta Integrated Libraries (SAIL):
The Library is a member of the SAIL, an integrated Library System partnership with the University of Calgary, Bow Valley College, and Ambrose University (AU). This provides St. Mary’s students with access and borrowing privileges to the collections of our partners in this consortium.
The Alberta Library (TAL):
The Library is a member of The Alberta Library (TAL) giving our students access to resources in academic libraries throughout Alberta. In addition to borrowing privileges at these libraries, students of St. Mary’s University have on-site access to the resources, both traditional and electronic, that these libraries offer. Local TAL partners are Mount Royal University, the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD) and the Calgary Public Library. For resources not available in Calgary, our Interlibrary Loan Service will acquire the materials our students require.
Alberta Association of Academic Libraries (AAAL):
The AAAL provides a forum in which library personnel from Alberta college, university & technical institute. It facilitates communication, planning and cooperation to share resources and information on library issues and concerns.
Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL):
St. Mary’s University Library is a participant in the LHCADL. Participation in this endeavour will provide access to a significant number of full-text electronic resources that support St. Mary’s University programs. It provides participating post-secondary institutions with digital information resources for teaching, learning and research. Currently the LHCADL contains over 4.5 million licensed items, including 900 000 full-text items supporting subject areas such as science and technology, fine arts, humanities, and the social sciences.